Introduction: defining empowerment
Empowerment is a widely used concept among NGO workers, activists, change makers and representatives of public authorities. We all would like people we work with to feel more empowered, to be more in charge of their own lives, and to eventually become change makers, who can undertake activities and develop initiatives aiming at making their communities better. We design our projects around the concept of empowerment, but not very often we ask ourselves the most important questions: what does empowerment really mean?
As we have seen in the previous chapters, defining concept that seem very basic and that are widely used, such as community for example, is not actually such an easy, straightforward task. However, it is of crucial importance to make an effort and come up with a working definition, because the better we understand the concept we use, the more likely we are to design projects and activities that are successful, sustainable, and lead to the accomplishment of the goals we have in mind.