Autokreacja Foundation
Poland | Coordinator
The Autokreacja Foundation aims at fostering the active participation in civil society through various initiatives in the field of social economy. We contribute to the civilizational, cultural and economic development of Poland. We want to put the spotlight on problems of diverse social groups that are often marginalized, that is why we focus on cooperation with persons from underprivileged regions, unemployed, elderly people, immigrants
Bursa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü – Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education
Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education, headed by the Ministry of National Education, is a legal authority which is responsible for the educational issues in the region. In addition to a Head Director ,there are 11 co-directors and a staff of 342 who work in this institution. All education activities of 32.915 teachers and 590.380 students in 2.000 educational institutions are within the institution’s scope of work. Our schools are involved as local partners for Erasmus+ projects of our institution and we can easily co-operate with them.
Non-Government Organization “Educatio”
The main aim of our organization is the increase of the civil youth activity through conducting cultural events and studying cultural diversity, implementation of innovations in education, establishing international cooperation, promoting the professional youth and adult development and development of social skills such as leadership and social entrepreneurship, conflict-management, etc.
We work both with youngsters and adults in Ukraine, which is the highly multicultural country and this is one of the key directions of our work – embracing the diversity and self-development.
Municipality of Mislata
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